Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Buran 3D Model - Part 2

In my lunch break today, I completed the 3D model of Buran's version of the orbital manoeuvring System, and the tail section. Simple. Next task, landing gear, not so simple, no drawings, no decent photos, no video...


DaveS said...

Have you tried http://www.buran.ru/htm/lan_gear.htm?

desktopsimmer said...

Thanks Dave, I've Just seen you post and I've just finished the basic 3D model of the nose gear. Mine's not as detailed as the on on Buran.ru, a fantastic site for information, even though "My Russian is so rusty, I could be reading it as dimensions on Playmate of the Month" I like altering that quote to suit needs :)

DaveS said...

Google translate does a pretty good translating buran.ru, so you should try it.

desktopsimmer said...

Thanks Dave. The best info I've got is on large low quality bitmaps files (.tif). Tricky trying to filter out the Dimension and reference lines from the object itself. Great if I could translate these bitmaps as there are paragraphs of text.