
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Paper VAB

Merry Christmas to one and all. 

One of the Christmas gifts I received this year was a Paper/Card model creator. Not the easiest 3D model to paper/card model on the market, but after 30 minutes I was able to create a layout for the VAB. If you want you can download in the first image.

The VAB itself is a low polygon model that I created a while back. In a later version, I'll be correcting a few 'minor' errors and adding more details. This is my third attempt at create paper/card models so thee maybe error and if you need any help, please leave a comment. My second was the Forward flight deck of the Space Shuttle Orbiter. My first was a botched and rather crude Apollo Command Module, thankfully lost to inaccessible recycle bin.


  1. Hey Desktopsimmer, I like that model a lot. It is nice and tiny, just how I like to make my models.What scale is it when printed on A4?

  2. Thanks :) Truth be told, I have no idea what the scale is, only that I designed it to fit on two pages of A4. I'll tidy the texture up and scale it down to ludicrous scale. Maybe finger tip :)
