I've managed to pull some of my old data together. Been a bit of a jigsaw getting all of basic elements of the Flight Deck together, but here it is:
I've still got a long way to go to have the Flight Deck completely modelled, but a low detail version could feature in a popular Space Shuttle landing simulator... ;)
Hi there. Didn't realize you had lost all your data, this has happened to me before. I have been recreating the interior myself, and had often used your blog as a check-reference over the last year. If you would like, I could provide a copy of my work. I couldn't find your email address on your blog but let me know through this comment if it would help.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer, However I've used some old archived information and managed to re-kick start the Flight Deck part of the project. The Flight deck is on the backburner as I'm working on my Mir project at the moment. I'll post images later in the next week or so.
ReplyDeleteHello, George! Please, contact me on mail (mrkossmo@gmail.com), or check your gmail hangout. I need to talk to you. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi George, would you be willing to put your shuttle flight deck on Shapeways for 3D printing at 1/144 scale? The plastic model kits do not come with flight decks and these would make a great add-on!
ReplyDeleteIt's something I've been thinking of, but its not planned in the short term or medium tern, as I would like to build my 1:72 scale Orbiter, with de-attachable side showing Flight and Mid decks.
ReplyDeleteI also would welcome a 1/144 flight deck