
Saturday, November 29, 2014

North American Aviation X-15A-2 - Canopy

The 3D model of the North American Aviation X-15A-2 now has the oval windows for the canopy, complete with port side eye-lid. Tomorrow I'll add the hinges and opening mechanism for the eye-lid.

North American Aviation X-15A-2 - Rear Textured

Long day re-creating the UV map for the North American Aviation X-15A-2 3D model. When I added the rear fuselage extensions to be flush the the nozzle, it screwed up the UV map for the rear section. I've repositioned the UV map manually, because if I did it automatically, it would completely reset the UV map for the fuselage and re-positioning all of the fuselage parts would of taken longer. Guess it's a limitation of Wings 3D, but I can live with it. I've also added 'improved' vents and jettison pipe on the rear too.

Defiantly next, I'll do the canopy. :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

North American Aviation X-15A-2 - Rear Details

The rear of the North American Aviation X-15A-2 is now modelled. I've omitted the the texture as when I added the new parts around the XLR-99 engine, as the UV map lost some of it's mapping around the rear and look very distorted and psychedelic. I'll look at this when I've re-modelled the two trailing vents pipes
The Canopy I'll deal with later,

North American Aviation X-15A-2 - X-15 to X-15A-2 Modification (Pimp up my Rocket plane!)

I've stretched limo'ed the North American Aviation X-15 into the X15A-2. Noticeable modifications are:

  • Add 29 inches to the fuselage. Done, see picture below :).
  • Add 6.75 inches to the Skid Gear. Not to sure where it is added to. It appears to be on the main section. If this is the case, it's an easy modification.
  • Canopy to have the oval windows and 'Eye-lid' on the Port side. 
  • Finally some modifications to the rear section of the fuselage for the additional H2O2 / Helium tanks.
The hardest part will be to modify the cramped texture file for the extensiosn, but there *should* be enough room. Fingers crossed...

I know I've got the wrong texture file, this is just for illustration purposes.